Sunday, February 9, 2014

Welcome to the first issue of the Abu Dhabi Women's College Library & ILC Newsletter!

The start of a new semester often means you see new faces on campus and you might see some new faces if you pop into the Libraries at Women’s City Campus and Khalifa Women’s Campus – as well as your old favorites. Louise Sikkens, Stephen Visagie and Helen Weston are joining Alan Pollock to work with students and faculty in these Libraries and Independent Learning Centres. The Library and ILC staff are available to work with students on assignments or research tasks, as well as faculty needing Information Literacy lessons. Please do not hesitate to come find us for help on these areas.

Helen Weston (Supervisor)
Besides being the Supervisor for all three Abu Dhabi Campus libraries, Helen is also the liaison librarian for the Business and Applied Media Faculties.
Whether it be something related resources for Business or Applied Media, or any feedback or comments on the libraries in general, Helen is ready to help.
You can email her at

Louise Sikkens (ILC Librarian)
If you are in Foundations, Education, or General Education, then Louise is you liaison librarian, especially when it comes to finding the right books, ebooks and DVDs to support your teaching and learning. Louise is also an excellent teacher, and together with Stephen, is able to offer Information Literacy sessions that give students valuable skills and information concerning research skills, citation skills, and an understanding of copyright and plagiarism!
Louise also supervises the M-Reader programs at the three campus ILCs.
You can email her

Alan Pollock (ILC Coordinator)
Alan is the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) Coordinator for both of the Abu Dhabi Women's campuses. His function is to help students improve their study skills and improve their ability to use technology for educational purposes. He also helps teachers to to become more expert in using educational technology in the classrooms.
You can email him at

You can find out more about Alan in one of his college blogs:

Stephen Visagie (Reference Librarian)
Stephen is the liaison librarian for the Engineering, IT/CIS, and Health Sciences Faculties. In concert with Louise, Stephen also provides Information Literacy sessions that give students valuable skills and information concerning research skills, citation skills, and an understanding of copyright and plagiarism!
With a special interest in Reference, Stephen is able to assist those with slightly more advanced research needs, and can help you to navigate the various academic databases.
You can email him at

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