Thursday, October 1, 2015

Library News for October 2015

ADWC Research Centre

We have established a Research Centre next to D116 in our library. This space is available for faculty and students who are working on research projects. It is a quiet study area and is equipped with print and electronic research resources suitable for Masters and PhD students. This room is also available to Year 4 Bachelor students working on research projects upon request.

IEEE Training: Making Your Research Visible
IEEE & Naseej will be offering an interesting training session for researchers on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 at the Abu Dhabi Women's College Library (Training Room D117), from 2pm to 4pm.
Hazman Aziz, IEEE Client Services Manager, will be providing some valuable insight into how make your research more visible, and to improve your research profile:
  • Using IEEE Xplore effectively & efficiently, with all the updated features to aid your literature review.
  •  Using IEEE Xplore tools for knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Learning about simple Article Level Metrics in IEEE Xplore.
  • Tips and pointers to publish for IEEE Conferences & Journals.
  • Learning about IEEE Reference Style using IEEE Collabratec MS Word Plugin. n Finding the right publication & submit your paper via IEEE Xplore.
Space is limited, so make sure to book early! For reservations, please email Stephen Visagie at

Monday, August 31, 2015

Library News for September 2015


Welcome back to ADMC Library and we hope all our new students have had a chance to visit the library, as well as our returning students. We have had lots of new print and e-books delivered to our campus over the summer holidays. Be sure to check the display screens in your home libraries.

Some Reminders….

All our computers have a deep freeze program installed. That means any work you save to the desktop will be gone by the end of the day. Also, any unsaved work will not be saved if the computers should suddenly shut down. Please save your work to D Drive right from the start if you are using a library computer to do your work. The library can get pretty noisy sometimes. The back at areas at ADWK and ADWC are spaces only for quiet study and we will always be checking that students working in this area continue to work quietly. So please use this area if you find the main space in the library is too noisy for you. If you are bringing a drink into the libraries, please remember only covered drinks are allowed and all food should be eaten outside.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Library News for June to August 2015, the Summer Break edition

National Libraries and AD Colleges Combine Resources

Did you know that the National Libraries of Abu Dhabi have wonderful collections of books, magazines and databases that are not likely to be found on our campus libraries? The National Libraries and Abu Dhabi College Libraries have joined together to give students and staff access to their wonderful collections. The best news is that your membership will be free of charge! The Khalifa Park Library is of special interest to students doing Arabic or Emirati Studies. The Bahia and Mazyad Mall libraries have a wonderful collection for children. So, if you want to extend your reading please visit your AD College library to sign a membership form and learn more about the National libraries.

Faculty Research Group

The last meetings for this academic year in Abu Dhabi Colleges, were hosted during the last week of May 2015. Check the BlackBoard Learn site for news items and future plans for 2015/16: R101: Applied Research @ HCT Abu Dhabi Colleges

Reading Promotion Display @ ADWC Library

To coincide with the end of the M-Reader programme,  ADWC Library has digital display featuring college faculty and staff showing their support for reading!

Summer Break

Abu Dhabi Women's and Khalifa College Libraries will be closed over the Summer Break. Abu Dhabi Men's Library will remain open. However, check at the library for adjusted break and Ramadan hours.

The library wishes all students, faculty and staff a safe break and a Blessed Ramadan.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Library News for May 2015

Library Week: Khalifa Women's College

KWC celebrated Library Week with a variety of activities, organized and demonstrated by the Library staff. Students enjoyed the augmented reality app, Colarmix which enabled them to create animated figures from a basic coloring-in sheet. Other Makerspaces included origami (paper folding) and Leap Motion control a computer in three dimensions with your natural hand and finger movements. During the week, the Library cinema showed movies such as The Social Network and The Pursuit of Happiness. On request, the ILC Librarian hosted sessions titled "How to Read Aloud to Children for the Education students." These were thoroughly enjoyed by the students and taught them the basic reading aloud skills needed to read successfully to young children.

Library Week: Abu Dhabi Women's College

For the library week at ADWC, we had the Makerspace area which included activities for augmented reality, origami and games. Students were excited to try their hands at augmented reality and origami. Movies on extreme adventure and accomplished people were playing every afternoon in our Multimedia room.

We had ‘Guess the Country’ competition running throughout the week. There were 60 entries, and Ghaya Hamad Gahem Hamad Almheiri of Applied Bachelors was the winner!

Our library week activities ended with an afternoon tea and prize-giving for the ‘Country Competition’ winner.